WEZ Memberships
Or feel free to sign up for one of our annual membership via the button below…
In terms of the new constitution the financial year runs from 1st January to 31st December.
Subscriptions for 2025 are due on the 1st January 2025.
Branch Annual General meetings must be held in January and the National Annual general meeting must be held in February.
In order to vote you need to be a registered and paid up member.
Please follow the link below and register Online.
Or feel free to click on the link below:
Membership Form
Membership Prices
The management committee has passed the following resolution:
“In terms of section 9.1.3 of the constitution viz “Annual subscriptions shall be subject to review as the National Council may determine from time to time.”
It is resolved that for period 1st August 2020 to 31st December 2023 the following fees will levied from existing and new members.
Zimbabwe Residents
Current Membership
Single Adult (Over the age of 16)
Pensioner over 65 years Single
Pensioner Couple
Student (Registered at educational Institution)
Education Institutions
Current Membership
Education Institutions
External Membership
Single Adult (Over the age of 16)
Pensioner over 65 years Single
External Membership to be paid in US$ and Zimbabwe Residents will be able to pay the equivalent in Bond at the rate of the day”